I do know that it is the easternmost point of the Americas at 34º47'38"W, 7º9'28"S (I find that Wikipedia is always helpful for such statistics as this), and it is known as the place "where the sun rises first." The city's promotional video (here in english) is a bit slow-paced for my taste, but it effectively publicizes what I experienced: a vibrant, dynamic, historical city.
I was able to visit Alamoana, a luxury condominium complex, (photos) with one of the premier investors (a member of the family I stayed with in Brazil). The site was still in the early stages of construction when I visited, but the lots were mostly sold. It is a beautiful area (next to a beautiful forested area) and the amenities are noteworthy: a marina (which the sun almost poetically sets behind), a pool, work-out facility and club, and very near proximity to the city amenities João Pessoa offers. Here are some of my favorite shots from my visit to Alamoana:
Nice blog! You asked for more information so I can tell you there is a very popular website dedicated to Joao Pessoa called
www.paraibaparadise.com which was written by ex-pats living in JP. Their aim was that people using their website should be able to get the very best out of this marvellous city.
Thanks, dan! That is a really good site...I appreciate your comment. Cheers!
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