Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Water Conservation

Since my last post, I have been doing some research about water conservation. Here are some tips on conserving water at home. The best site for this information compiled: Sahra

-Get your house checked for leaky pipes
-For your toilet, twice a year add a few drops of food coloring to the tank. If the colored water enters the bowl on its own, then you know you need to have it repaired. (Thanks to this link.)
-Run the dishwasher only when it is full.
-Take shorter showers (sorry)
-Water your lawn in the morning, since moisture is mostly evaporated by the sun.
-Install low-flow faucets

Also, I like the line by designer Linda Loudermilk called Water is a Human Right. Her necklace (pictured above) is gorgeous and would be a fantastic conversation piece. Afterall, conversations make all the difference as we try to move toward sustainability.

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